Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Well, here it is Christmas Eve 2012... It's been a good while since I've posted. Life has its ups and downs and has been keeping us busy. We are excited about spending our first Christmas with our son. Thomas is 6 months old now and getting into everything but we wouldn't have it any other way!! The reason for my posting today... I really don't have the words for what I want to say but I want to try. This world.. I don't know what it's coming to. But, it hurts. A little over a week ago 18 children plus several adults were killed in a school shooting.. Today 2 firefighters were killed on a house fire that was intentionally set.. Another call in Texas a police officer was killed and now 6 children are being flown to a burn center because they were unsupervised and put gasoline on a fire. All this breaks my heart. I am not perfect. No one is. I don't want to point fingers or lay blame on anyone.. I just know this hurts me. All of it. All of this is close to my heart because I am now a mom and I work 911. This has to be the worst nightmare for any mother or father. And working in 911, the last thing we want to hear is our brothers or sisters hurt. I pray this country gets closer to God. I know I need to become closer. There are no excuses, all we can do is try better. Thats what he wants. If you're reading his.. go home and hug your family. Even if you're frustrated or stressed.. this may be the last time it happens.. You never know when our good Lord calls them home. God Bless you all. Rest in peace little angels and heroes. Merry Christmas.

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