Saturday, June 4, 2011

K2 Incense... Really?

Okay, so the new fad going around now and days is this "K2" and other brands of incense- that are directed to be used as aroma therapy but people smoke it. It is a synthetic made substance, basically it's a "fake marijuana." and if I earned a dollar for every 911 call I responded on or dispatched for a possible overdose on K2... then I would be able to buy a full tank of gas. It is so popular, because you can't be tested for it. It cannot be detected in your urine for a drug test and it still gets you high.

Well, you know what else can't be done.... If you were to die while being ODed on K2... there is nothing we could do about it.. Well, we could do chest compressions and tube you, but there is no way we can reverse the effects of this crap. There is no drug that we carry that could pull you from that poisoning state. Honestly, if you are going to smoke something.. I would rather you smoke real marijuana. No joke. I tell all my patients this all the time. This stuff is deadly and I hate to see the state of uncontrollable chaos people get in after they get "messed up."

I just wish people were more educated on it.  

Rant over. Thanks for listening (reading).

Until next time be safe out there.


  1. K2 Incense is made up of various kinds botanicals, secret plant ingredients as well as other propietary ingredients.

  2. many of people use incense for smoking i also order many herbal incense for smoking
